
Джоди Марш: долгие поиски себя

Jodie marsh

What Are The Consequences Of Saving Kate?

If Kate survives, she and her family will be very thankful for Max’s heroism.

There is also an additional scene in episode four where Max visits Kate at the hospital. The two have a great conversation, and it’s clear that Kate is happy she didn’t jump.

During the interaction, you can choose to bring up Nathan. Doing so will make it so that Kate later texts Max his room number.

Kate’s fate impacts the nightmare sequence in the fifth episode. Along with a few small changes, Kate’s dialog during the nightmare will be different depending on whether you save her or not.

As it’s a nightmare concocted in Max’s own mind, Kate won’t be nice to you no matter what. She will either blame you for her death or be angry that you didn’t let her go. So, clearly, nightmare Kate is nowhere near as nice as her real-life counterpart.


In 2009, Marsh became interested in bodybuilding and developed a muscular physique working under a personal trainer. At the end of January 2010, Marsh was featured on LA Muscle TV in an hour long show called 6 pack in 4 weeks. Jodie’s work on the show, resulted in a photo shoot for Muscle and Fitness magazine. In October 2011, Marsh entered the Natural Physique Association Bodybuilding Championships in Sheffield where she was placed 5th overall.

In an interview with The Sun newspaper on 4 October 2011, Marsh said “This is the best I’ve ever felt, and the best my body has ever felt too. In just 50 days I have gone from 25 per cent body fat to 10 per cent body fat, gained 8 pounds of muscle, and lost 20 pounds of fat. In 8 weeks I have achieved what normally takes six to nine months.”

Jodie Marsh appeared on This Morning. on 5 October 2011 to discuss her bodybuilding competition and physique. Marsh then appeared on Daybreak and The Late Late Show in October 2011.

On 6 October 2011, Marsh appeared in a photoshoot and video interview with The Sun newspaper in which they discussed her fitness regime and workout sessions.

On 26 October 2011, Marsh returned to The Sun newspaper for a photoshoot to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of her first photoshoot with the paper. The shots appeared in the newspaper, with additional photographs with an interview on the website.

Marsh’s new physique resulted in photoshoots and interviews with various magazines. OK! Magazine featured an “at home” interview on 11 October 2011.Heat Magazine followed on 12 October 2011.

In 2012, Marsh featured in two TV shows for the DMAX network. The first, “Jodie Marsh: Bodybuilder” chronicled Marsh’s attempts to compete with only weeks of training. The second show “Jodie Marsh: Brawn in the USA” featured Jodie winning gold in the INBF Bodybuilding Championships in Los Angeles in June 2012.

In July 2012, Jodie Marsh launched her own personal range of bodybuilding protein shakes and fat burning supplements called “JST Jodie”.

Изменение внешности- изменение в судьбе

Когда, посещая ночные клубы, Jodie Marsh заметила, что у мужчин текут слюни от сексуальной одежды и высоких каблуков, она пошла работать в стриптизерши, где ее заметили представители одного из британских таблоидов The Sun, именно для одной из их рубрик и стала сниматься, сверкая оголенными телесами. Трансформация Джоди Марш началась…

Ринопластика. Краеугольным камнем преткновения называет британская модель Джоди Марш свой утиный нос. Расплющенный в безобразную лепешку он стал поводом для издевательств. Еще в школе ей была произведена коррекция носа. Результат убил наповал саму Джоди Марш, что с носом? Почему он превратился в угловатый набалдашник? Почему она не стала красивой? Все эти вопросы мучили Джоди Марш после операции.

Увеличение груди. Делая ставку на репутацию секс-бомбы и «динамита в постели», Джоди Марш увлеченно рассказывала о совращённом ею 17-летнем парнишке и обо всех позах Камасутры, испробованных с незнакомым мальчишкой на новогодней вечеринке. С такой славой, превращения во внешности не могли оминуть увеличение грудного массива ненасытной Джоди Марш.

Первая операция груди. Джоди Марш до операции носила скромный по ее утверждению размер 32DD, а после пластики еле впихивала в тесный лиф вываливающийся 32GG. Операций было несколько, ведь достоинства так и норовили съехать к пупку.

Британская модель Джоди Марш неоднократно подкачивала грудь, стараясь достичь наиболее распирающего эффекта. Устрашающих размеров грудь Джоди Марш стала главной причиной неоднократных приглашений звезды в различные откровенные ток-шоу и телепередачи.

Вторая операция груди. Именно подтяжка и подкачка после отвисания стали страшным кошмаром в жизни модели. Пластика подразумевала шов от зоны под грудью до соска перпендикулярно вверх. В ходе повторной операции что-то пошло не так. После того, как Джоди Марш пришла в себя и ей показали результат, она была шокирована. Грудь воспалилась, швы не заживали, начался процесс гниения. Для того чтобы предостеречь многих молодых людей от необдуманной операции на груди, появились откровенные фото Jodie Marsh, на которых отвратительно расползся огромный рубец на всю молочную железу.

Блефаропластика. Несомненно, имела место верхняя блефаропластика. Взгляд Джоди Марш до и после операций по коррекции верхнего века отличается выразительностью. В погоне за желанным «кошачьим» взглядом, верхнее веко было прооперировано, изогнуто и приподнято. Эффект от такой пластики наглядно демонстрируют фото Джоди Марш на ее личной страничке в инстаграм. Глаза Джоди Марш стали клоном таких же подтянутых органов зрения, как и у других голливудских звезд.

Увеличение губ. Ну как без этой славноизвестной операции тем женщинам, которые мнят себя богинями секса? Вот и Джоди Марш обратилась к хирургам, чтобы те сделали из ее рта привлекательную конфетку. Сама модель говорит, что при всей сексуальности и откровенных фотосессиях, она бы никогда не переспала с мужчиной за деньги. Проституцию не приветствует и не желает, чтобы ей рассказывали о найденных в туалете журналах с ее фото и с липкими от «кое-чего» страничками.

Ботокс. Рассматривая фото Джоди Марш в инстаграм, удивляешься, что с возрастом ее кожа не увядает, а натягивается и принимает знакомый восковый эффект.

Как и большинство зарубежных и отечественных звезд, британская модель Джоди Марш усиленно колет кислоту в каждую морщинку на своем и так уже сальном от ботокса лице. Как сказали бы советские бабушки «на нем хоть блины жарь».

Татуировки. Разглядывая фото Jodie Marsh, может показаться, что полжизни она попивала чифир, мотая срок на нарах. Нет, профиля Сталина на груди у нее нет и на пальцах не наколото Д Ж О Д И, да и золотые купола тоже не видно. Тем не менее, только за последние годы количество тату на теле молодой женщины значительно увеличилось. Лица, портреты в полный рост, тексты, крылья у интимных мест- это лишь беглое описание всех картин на ее теле. На фото Jodie Marsh обожает полностью оголяться, демонстрируя все новые и новые наколки.

Totally Jodie Marsh

File:Totally Jodie Marsh.jpg

In May 2007, the website Marry Me Jodie Marsh was launched with the teaser “I’m getting married this September… Only problem is that I don’t have a man!” Men were invited to submit an application for a series of open auditions for the chance to marry Marsh that September. MTV filmed the search and subsequent wedding.

The reality series featuring Marsh entitled Totally Jodie Marsh: Who’ll Take Her Up the Aisle?, premiered in July 2007 documenting Marsh’s search to find a husband. Marsh eventually chose Matt Peacock, an ex-boyfriend of fellow glamour model Jordan.

In the final episode of the show, MTV executives confronted Marsh and Peacock with taped footage of Peacock’s audition claiming he and Marsh had been dating for months and living together for three months, contrary to the show’s claims. After the MTV executives left the room, Peacock accused Marsh of lying to MTV.

The couple married on 1 September 2007 at Sugar Hut, a nightclub in Brentwood, Essex. A second ceremony in her mother’s back garden was shown on MTV on 2 September 2007. It was later revealed that Marsh had the wedding paid for by sponsors who believed that the wedding was genuine. The couple split up in December 2007. Marsh later admitted to Love It in their 8 January 2008 issue that “.. the marriage was for TV. It was never for real” and “I’m not hiding the fact I did the TV show for money. Of course I did”.

Has Jodie Marsh Had a Weight Gain? She’s Spending Less Time at the Gym and More Time at the Farm!

Jodie Marsh (@jodiemarshtv) has definitely put on some extra pounds ever since she launched a farm. If you are not sure of it, just go check out her Instagram page because the pictures on her handle give the impression that she has put on a little weight. She has been looking that way for some time now but never before did she look as happy as she is now.

Jodie Marsh does not seem to be bothered by her weight gain. She is quite content with how much she weighs and how she looks, actually. She’s very happy with her chubby physique and appearance. While it is true that the English media personality has gained a significant amount of weight, which has significantly altered her physical appearance, and she’s being criticized and bullied for that, she’s found a way to be happy despite all that.

Jodie Marsh has turned her hand to raising animals at her farm.
Source:  The Sun

Now Jodie Marsh is unbothered by her weight gain and she doesn’t want to prove anything to anyone as we know she was the champion of America in bodybuilding. Besides, she doesn’t need to lose weight for herself because she is happy either way. After launching her farm, she is doing something meaningful now in rescuing animals and has been happy like never before. It led to her gaining weight because she began to spend less time at the gym and more time at the farm. Opening up about her life on the farm, she said that she no longer has the time to prepare healthy meals or workouts at the gym as her 350 animals are her priority.

Jodie Marsh before the weight gain.
Source: The Sun

This is not the first time she has been in the news due to her weight. Back in 2022, Jodie Marsh had to deal with a breakup and it had a lot to do with her weight gain. She shared that her ex-boyfriend Billy Collins Nuttall told her that she had let herself go after she put on some extra pounds while caring for her dying mother Kristina. When her mom was sick, Jodie lived off petrol station food since she spent every day traveling back and forth to see her. She also couldn’t manage time to go to the gym and hence, put on a lot of weight. She went from a size 8 to a size 10-12. She approximately added 5-10 pounds.

Jodie Marsh’s then-boyfriend started calling her fat and telling her to get back in the gym. Billy also said he didn’t find her attractive anymore after her weight gain. This ultimately led them to break up. Fans were shocked when she revealed the news of her split with Billy and stated he had been cheating on her for the whole three years. Now, they are glad to know that everything turned out fine for her after the breakup. She’s now learned to be happy whether she is a size 8 or a size 12. And weight gain is never degrading her self-worth.

Kate’s Phone Call

At one point, while you’re hanging out with Chloe, you get a call from Kate. You can either answer it or simply ignore the poor girl.

If Max Answered

It turns out the call was good for Kate, as she admits to feeling a little better knowing that Max cares.

In response, you’re free to say either:

  • “You’re my friend”
  • “I’m here for you”

Kate appreciates Max’s efforts whatever you say.

If Max Ignored Her

Kate calls Max out for ghosting her while she’s in need. And you must make amends by picking the correct dialog option.

The choices are:

  • “My phone died”
  • “It was in silent mode”
  • “I was with Chloe”
  • “Thought it was Warren.”

In this instance, lying works best as claiming the phone was on silent is the only positive response. However, Kate will still say that she needed Max to answer.


How did Jodie Marsh lose weight?

She lost more than four stone in six months. In conjunction with her new diet, she also undertook daily intense workouts in the gym doing squats, lunges and bench presses with weights so that she’s now toned and defined every muscle in her body.

Has Jodie Marsh put on weight?

Talking about her new figure, Jodie said: ‘In just 50 days I have gone from 25 per cent body fat to 10 per cent body fat, gained 8 pounds of muscle, and lost 20 pounds of fat. In 8 weeks I have achieved what normally takes 6 to 9 months. ‘ ‘This is the best I’ve ever felt, and the best my body has ever felt too.

What does Jodie Marsh eat?

That Marsh is hungry is understandable. The 33-year-old is working out three times a day — two hours of cardio, one hour of weights — and forbids herself from eating anything but unsweetened oatmeal, brown rice, protein shakes and egg whites, in portions so small they wouldn’t satisfy Victoria Beckham.

Why is Jodie Marsh famous?

Jodie Louise Marsh (born 23 December 1978) is an English media personality, bodybuilder, columnist and model. She has appeared in many TV shows, such as Celebrity Big Brother, The Weakest Link, The Kevin Bishop Show and Snog Marry Avoid? Marsh is also known for her fitness regime and natural bodybuilding.

Is Jodie Marsh a bodybuilder?

JODIE Marsh has let slip the secrets behind her awe-inspiring bodybuilding physique using a jaw-dropping comparison photo. The 38-year-old began bodybuilding back in 2009 and dropped from a size 12 to a size six ahead of her first competition, losing 20lb of fat in the process.

How rich is Jodie Marsh?

Jodie Marsh Wiki

Full NameJodie Marsh
Net Worth$6 Million
Date Of BirthDecember 23, 1978
Place Of BirthBrentwood, Essex, England, UK
Height1.57 m

How does Jodie Marsh earn money?

Jodie has made her money through her TV and modelling work. It is reported she earns around £75,000 a year.

How does Jodie Marsh make her money?

How old is Jodie Marsh?

Jodie Marsh, is an English media personality, columnist, bodybuilder and a model. She has also worked in many famous TV shows such as snog marry avoid, the weakest Link, the kelvin bishop show and Celebrity Big Brother. The 39 years old bodybuilder babe has recently posted the snap of her sexy glamour model shoots on her Instagram.

Open To Dating Women; Lesbian Engagement

After her rigid split with her husband, she turned her love interest to move on a woman. When she broke with James, her friends suggested her to workout with women.

The Essex Wives star, who has a net worth of £375,000, also disclosed that she never shared a physical relationship with women. 

Also previously, she had shown keen interest to have children with her second husband, James. But in 2016, after their divorce, she still wants the kid and claims that she could be a good mother. And the star was searching for the sperm donor.

Jodie also claimed that she wanted to have a single parent and would not be entertained by her father’s presence. She said:

Notably, the model-turned-star, also shared the lesbian relationship with her hairdresser, Nina after divorcing her first husband. The two lesbian couple were too serious about getting married that they announced their engagement after a month of dating.

Jodie Marsh’s Career Line Explored!

Jodie Marsh certainly has had quite the career – starting out in strip clubs in 2002 with some very varied gigs along the way. After leaving school, she had briefly considered becoming a lawyer but instead went down a different route. She went to the best private school ever and then just became a lap dancer. Jodie didn’t start modeling for lads’ magazines or even The Sun‘s Page 3 until she appeared on the reality show Essex Wives.

The English glamour model achieved considerable success with her autobiography, Keeping It Real which reached the top 10 on The Sunday Times Bestseller List. She also worked for Zoo Weekly magazine, giving advice on sex-related issues. She appeared on arguably the most iconic series of Celebrity Big Brother in 2006. She became friends with non-celebrity Chantelle Houghton, who pretended to be a pop star and eventually won the series.

In 2009, Jodie Marsh started working on her increasingly muscular frame. Two years later, she finished fifth at the 2011 UK Natural Physique Association Bodybuilding Championships in Sheffield. She even made two documentaries on her bodybuilding training. In 2012, Brawn won gold at the International Natural Bodybuilding Federation Bodybuilding Championships in Los Angeles. She has now opened Fripp’s Farm, an animal sanctuary, and cares for her 350 animals.

Back To Dating Men

Jodie’s interest in lesbian romance faded out around late-2018. As the reality star turned head over heels for Netflix director Wayne Lennox, she revised her love for men.

Wayne, the director behind the Netflix original AmStarDram, ran into Jodie at the Halloween Party that he threw at his Essex house. The pair hit it off from the jump. Sadly, they parted ways after a little over a month of dating.

Announcing the split via Instagram, Jodie sounded hurtful. Per the lengthy post, she felt betrayed by some of Wayne’s actions, which were unforgivable.

The reality star’s sadness, however, didn’t last forever. Four months after the split, a reinvigorated Jodie ignited a romance with Billy Collins Nuttall. An Elvis impersonator by profession, Billy is 17 years her junior.

Jodie Marsh and Billy Collin Nuttall in late-July 2019 (Photo:- Jodie Marsh’s Instagram)

The pair met during Billy’s performance at the Buddy Holly tribute show in early May-2019. After the event, Jodie went on to establish a work-like relation before pursuing a romantic interest.

British Reality Star James Placido Matt Peacock Nina Billy Collin Nuttall

Personal life

In December 2006, Marsh announced her engagement to Brentwood DJ David Doyle, after dating for 11 days. Eschewing the traditional engagement ring, Marsh instead tattooed Doyle’s full name on her hand and the couple appeared together in OK! magazine announcing their plan to marry in a fetish ceremony in a dungeon. The relationship ended between late December and mid-January 2007 with Doyle blaming Marsh’s constant drinking and poor personal hygiene. Marsh, however, claimed Doyle had been unfaithful. In 2008, Marsh publicly began a relationship with a female hairdresser called Nina and photographs of the two on a number of dates were published in magazines and newspapers of the time. In the November issue of the UK edition of Star magazine, Marsh gave a full interview about their relationship and recreated the iconic Vanity Fair front cover depicting Cindy Crawford shaving k.d. lang. In July 2012, Marsh started dating Kirk Norcross in a two-week relationship, posting intimate pictures on , which ended after it was claimed that she had refused sex with Norcross. In August 2015, she married James Placido, who she had met in a car park. In April 2016, she announced over Instagram that the pair had separated.

Marsh is a vegetarian and participated in the Peta campaign, “All animals have the same parts”. She also works with the Essex Air Ambulance Flight for Life campaign and created a 2012 calendar with the charity.

Television, film and voice appearances

Marsh was working at Stringfellows when she appeared in a programme about Essex girls. This led to a number of modelling jobs (see below). She has subsequently taken part in many reality television shows, including Trust Me – I’m A Holiday Rep, Channel 4’s The Games, E4’s Fool Around… with Jodie Marsh on two occasions, as a house guest in the short lived Five series Back to Reality as well as winning £1,000 for charity on Channel 4’s popular show Come Dine With Me on 14 September 2010.

Jodie won a celebrity version of The Weakest Link in 2006. Marsh had a cameo role in the first episode of Channel 4’s Friday night comedy showThe Kevin Bishop Show.

After competing in Celebrity Big Brother, Marsh appeared on several of the spin off shows including: Big Brother’s Little Brother, Big Brother’s Big Mouth and Big Brother’s EForum.

In its second UK series, Marsh showed viewers around her home on MTV’s Cribs in 2008. Also in 2008, Marsh appeared on Channel 4’s documentary It’s Me or the Dog. She was given training tips at home to deal with her four dogs.

Marsh appeared as a contestant in Channel Five’s reality show The All Star Talent Show, hosted by Myleene Klass and Andi Peters. Following this, Marsh began presenting her own series, Get A Life for Living TV on 1 March 2007. It was cancelled after two episodes, due to poor viewing figures.

In October 2008, she appeared on the first episode of London Ink on TV channel Discovery Real Time. The following year, Marsh appeared on the popular BBC Three show Snog Marry Avoid?, hosted by Jenny Frost. Marsh came face to face with the computerised overhaul device named POD where she received a make-under although quickly reverted to her usual heavily made up look.

On 29 September 2010, Marsh appeared in the one-off documentary Jodie Marsh Tattoo Apprentice which was screened on the channel DMAX.

On 25 January 2012, Marsh appeared on Channel 5’s Bullied: My Secret Past. She spoke of the effect bullying had on her and how it has made her who she is today. She also met other victims of bullying.

In April 2013, Channel 5 broadcast the first of two shows titled Jodie Marsh: Bullied. The show features Marsh venturing to the United States to investigate how American schools tackle bullying.

Dave’s Harassment

Certain decisions you make before Kate ends up on the roof of the dorm impact how easy it is to talk her down. One of those occurs in the first episode when you find David Madsen shouting at the poor girl.

At the time, you have the option of intervening or taking a picture.

If Max Intervened

Kate will appreciate the fact that you protected her from David but also claim that it no longer matters.

Then you can say:

  • “Things will get better”
  • “You matter, not just to me.”

It doesn’t matter which you choose, either way, she’ll admit to wanting to believe your words.

If Max Took A Photo

Things are different if you took a photo of her interactions with David. She’ll be angry at you, and you’ll have to appease her with your words.

Your options are as follows:

  • “I wanted proof”
  • “I’ve been bullied too”
  • “I was scared”
  • “I had no idea.”

You must admit to being scared, and she’ll understand.

The Police Discussion

Early in episode two, you speak with Kate in her dorm room. She starts to get the suspicion that she was drugged and that Nathan was involved. So, Kate asks Max if she should go to report the incident to the police.

You can either encourage her to do so or say that her lack of proof will hurt her case — it’s among the hardest decisions in the game.

If Max Encouraged Her To Go To The Police

Instead of talking about the police report, Kate mentions how much she appreciated Max coming up to the roof to stop her.

You can pick either of these options:

  • “Nathan is involved”
  • “You were drugged”

Either option will make Kate admit that you’re persuasive.

If Max Told Her That She Needs Proof

Max’s lack of encouragement about going to the police will not be appreciated by Kate, who gets mad at the protagonist.

To explain yourself, you must say, “I’m gathering proof.”

Jodie Marsh: Professional Life, Career

Jodie Marsh was working at String fellows when she appeared in a program about Essex Wives in 2002. This led to several modeling jobs.

She has later participated in many reality television shows, including Trust Me – I’m A Holiday Rep, Channel 4’s The Games, and E4’s Fool Around… with Jodie Marsh on two occasions.

And so Jodie Marsh was able to win a celebrity version of The Weakest Link in the year 2006. Marsh played a cameo role while performing in the first episode of Channel 4’s Friday night comedy show “The Kevin Bishop Show.”

Then she competes in Celebrity Big Brother and respectively appeared on different spin-off shows including Big Brother’s Little Brother.

In 2008, Marsh appeared on Channel 4’s documentary It’s The Dog or Me. In Channel Five’s reality show The All-Star Talent Show, she was the contestant.

Likely on 29 September 2010, she was seen performing in the one-off documentary. Furthermore, she appeared on Channel 5’s Bullied: My Secret Past in the year 2012.

Caption: Jodie Marsh and ex-James Placido (Source: Twitter)

Working out with Channel 5, she broadcasted the first two shows titled Jodie Marsh: Bullied in 2013. Then she appeared in various magazines such as FHM, Loaded, Nuts, and Zoo.

Jodie Marsh has also featured on LA Muscle TV in an hour-long show called six-pack in 4 weeks.  Marsh appeared on Daybreak and The Late Show in October 2011.

In the year 2012, Marsh worked on two TV shows for the DMAX network. She wins the gold in the INBF Bodybuilding Championships in Los Angeles in June 2012.

Jodie Marsh hasn’t received any awards. Though she wins the gold in the INBF Bodybuilding Championships in Los Angeles in June 2012.

Love At First Sight; Runs Naked In Garden Celebrating Divorce

English media personality, Jodie Marsh shared a romantic relationship with the personal trainer James Placido after falling in love at first sight in car parking. During their four years of celibacy, she made clear that she was not interested in the meaningless physical relationship.

She stuck to her tradition desperately awaited for the wedding night lifting her sex banner tightly.

After sharing the romantic relationship for four long years, she secretly got married to James in a private ceremony in Barbados, the USA on April 2016. The service was attended only by their family members, which included both of their mothers — Jodie’s father her down the aisle.

After their wedding ceremony in the USA, the newly-wed couple then held a separate wedding reception in England earlier in October the same year.

Jodie Marsh, James with their mothers on their wedding day circa 2016 (Photo: dailymail.co.uk)

The couple met in a car park. As their eyes met, the duo fell for each other. She described their love story as love at first sight. She told Star Magazine:

She seemed happy with him that she feels lucky to have him.

The bodybuilder showed her keen to have children with personal trainer James, but they wanted to rejoice their newlywed bliss for a while longer. 

Well, she thought him to be her soul mate, but after a year of their married life, the reality star realized that he was not the one. She divorced her husband in 2016. And when the divorced got finalized in 2017, she ran around naked in her garden in celebration.

Previously, she got married to Matt Peacock in 2007 after appearing on her television show with him, but the couple divorced two months later.

With the two broken marriage, she also reflected her heartbreak situation in her blog post that the heartbreak is more painful than the death. She also claimed that James was not the man who she thought he was. And she was wrong about justifying him as her soulmate

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